If you are at least 18 years old and drink alcohol often, you may qualify.
This study aims to determine if a drug called semaglutide, when compared to placebo, is safe and may reduce alcohol drinking in people who drink alcohol heavily.
Placebo is a compound that looks like the study drug but doesn’t include any active ingredients.
This study involves a weekly visit to the Johns Hopkins Bayview campus over about a 20-week period with one follow-up visit.
You may receive up to $4,300 for participation in this study.
Participation includes receiving a semaglutide or placebo shot, completing self-paced behavioral therapy modules, answering questionnaires, providing electrocardiograms and blood, urine, and saliva samples, visits to our bar-like laboratory, participating in virtual reality sessions, and brain MRI scans.
Click here to see if you qualify- https://enroll.